labCreateAccountDescription=Creating an a-squared account is easy. Enter your name and email address and click the "Create Account" button. An email containing your username and code (password) will be sent to your email address then.
labSubscribe=Yes, I want to subscribe to the following a-squared Newsletter channels:
labNews=New releases and updates information (approx. once a month)
labSecurityTicker=New malware and detection information (max. once a week)
labBetaLetter=News for software testers (sent when necessary)
labHelpAndOffers=Usage tips and special offers (sent when necessary)
lnkConnectionSettings=Connection Settings
lnkBackToLogin=Back to the login
chkNews=a-squared News
chkSecurityTicker=a-squared Security Ticker
chkBetaLetter=a-squared Beta Letter
chkHelpAndOffers=a-squared Help and Offers
btnCreateAccount=Create account
msgStatusUpdate2--1=Internet connection troubles. Please check your connection and try again.
msgStatusUpdate2-0=Database troubles
msgStatusUpdate2-1=This email address already used, please enter another address
msgStatusUpdate2-2=General processing error
msgStatusUpdate2-3=Congratulation your account successfully created!
msgStatusUpdate2-4=Name or email address missing
msgStatusUpdate2-5=Email address not valid
helpBox2Caption=Create account
helpBox2Text=You need a valid a-squared account to be able to login at the update server.[eol][eol]The a-squared account is not only your key to the online updates.[eol]It also enables you to login at the online a-squared Control Centre to manage your licenses and newsletter subscriptions. If you have any questions or troubles, you can post a support request at the Control Centre too.[eol][eol]Creating an account is completely free or charge and not associated with any commitments.
//Account login Dialog
labAccessOnlineUpdates=To be able to detect the latest Trojans, Worms, Diallers and Spyware, it is required you update a-squared with the latest Malware signatures. A valid a-squared account is needed to access the online updates.
labQuestionAccountLogin=Don't have an a-squared account to login ?
labCreateNewAccount=Create a new one now. It's free!
labAccountLogin=Account login:
labUserEmailAddress=This is always your a-squared account email address.
msgStatusUpdate1--1=Cannot connect to the update server. Please check your Internet connection and proxy settings and try again.
msgStatusUpdate1-1=Password correct!
msgStatusUpdate1-4=The username or code is missing.
msgStatusUpdate1-5=The username (email address) is not valid.
msgStatusUpdate1-7=The username (email address) does not exist.
msgStatusUpdate1-8=The password you entered is wrong. Please try again.
msgStatusUpdate1-9=The update server is currently no available due to database troubles. Please try again later. (Code 9)
msgStatusUpdate1-12=The update server is currently no available. Please try again later. (Code 12)
msgErrorUpdate1btnLogin=Please enter your username (email address) and password to proceed.
helpBox1Caption=Why login ?
helpBox1Text=The update-server checks if your licence for using this software is valid. Creating an a-squared account is free of charge. You can benefit from your account in several ways.[eol][eol]You will be notified about important security alerts and software updates of a-squared.[eol][eol]With your a-squared account you can login at the a-squared control centre too. There you can post your support questions which will be answered by the a-squared team quickly:[eol][url=]a-squared Control Centre[/url]
//Select Licence Dialog
labHeaderSelectLicense=Here you can see all licenses that are attached with your a-squared account. Please select the licence you want to use on this computer.
labSelectLicense=Select licence:
labHeaderConvertCouponCode=If you have a coupon code for a full version licence, you can convert the coupon code here:
lnkConvertCouponCode=Convert coupon code
msgStatusUpdate3--1=Cannot connect to the licence server. Please check your Internet connection and proxy settings and try again.
msgStatusUpdate3-0=The licence server is currently no available due to database troubles. Please try again later. (Code 0)
msgStatusUpdate3-1=The code you entered is not valid or has been already used.
msgStatusUpdate3-3=The code has been successfully converted to a licence.
msgStatusUpdate3-4=Please enter you user name and code to proceed.
msgExpiredLicense=This licence has expired. Do you want to buy a full version licence now ?
msgNullList=You don't have any licenses on this account. Do you want to buy a full version licence now ?
msgNotSelectLicense=Please select the licence you want to use.
gridSelectLicenseStart=Licence start
gridSelectLicenseEnd=Licence end
gridSelectLicenseType0=30 day trial
gridSelectLicenseType1=Full version licence
helpBox3Caption=How to get a licence ?
helpBox3Text=Each installation of a-squared software needs its own licence.[eol][eol]Select one of the licenses shown in the list which will be used on this computer.[eol][eol]If your trial licence has expired, please order a full version licence at the [url=]Order Form.[/url][eol][eol]If your full version has expired, please login at the [url=]a-squared Control Centre[/url] to buy an extension licence.
//Configure the main settings for the updater
labConfigureSettingsUpdater=Configure the main settings for the updater:
labInstallHelp=Check this box if you need the program help for a-squared. The help file takes about 1 MB more to download.
labInstallAdditionalLanguages=Check this box if you want to download additional language support packages.
labInstallBetaUpdates=Check this box if you want to always download the latest untested beta update files.
labSubmitNamesOfMalwares=Check this box if you want to submit the names of detected Malware to Emsisoft for statistics purposes.
lnkNewsBoxesSettings=Edit alerts settings
chkInstallHelp=Install program help
chkInstallAdditionalLanguages=Install additional languages
chkInstallBetaUpdates=Install beta updates
chkSubmitNamesOfMalwares= Submit names of detected Malware
labNewsSettingsText=Before the update process can begin, please choose your preferred settings of the news and alert messages.
labNewsBoxes=Check this box if you want to read last a-squared news while Updater downloading and installing new available updates.
labUpdateAlerts=Check this box if you want to know auto update status information. This information will be displayed after successful update.
labRestartAlerts=Check this box to display messages then computer restart is needed (highly recommended).
labNewsBoxesDelay=Alert Boxes Delay
chkNewsBoxes=News Boxes
chkUpdateAlerts=Update Messages
chkRestartAlerts=Restart Alerts
lnkBackToUpdate=Back to the Update
helpBox4Caption=Updater settings
helpBox4Text=Before the update process can begin, please choose your preferred settings.[eol][eol]If you have a slow Internet connection, disable the program help and the additional languages.[eol][eol]You can enable this settings later if needed.[eol][eol]Warning! Beta updates should only be used by advanced users and never be installed on critical systems! Beta components can crash your computer. No warranty can be given for these files.
//Downloading Updates
helpBox5Caption=Downloading updates
helpBox5Text=Your installation of a-squared will be updated now. Depending on your Internet connection speed and amount of available updates, the download process may take some minutes.[eol][eol]You should take care, that you have always installed the latest updates. Every day, hundreds of new Malware are created and require new signature updates.[eol][eol]a-squared usually provides daily updates of the signatures to provide best protection against Trojans, Worms, Diallers and Spyware.
//Convert coupon messages
msgConvertStatus-0=The licence server is currently no available due to database troubles. Please try again later. (Code 0)
msgConvertStatus-1=The code you entered is not valid or has been already used.
msgConvertStatus-3=The code has been successfully converted to a licence.
msgConvertStatus-4=Please enter your user name and code to proceed.
//Clean computer
msgFileScan=Scanning files...
msgCookiesScan=Scanning cookies...
msgTracesScan=Scanning traces...
msgMemoryScan=Scanning memory...
msgObjectsNotQuarantined=Not all Malware objects have been quarantined. Do you want to put them in quarantine now ?
helpBox6Caption=What will be scanned ?
helpBox6Text=Choose the Quick Scan if you are an advanced user and plan to scan with more specific scan settings later. The quick scan only scans for active Malware processes.[eol][eol]Choose the Smart Scan to get a quick overview if is something wrong with your system. Files, registry and memory will be scanned. If the scan detects Malware, you should run a deep scan later too.[eol][eol]Choose the deep scan to scan every single file on all your hard disks. Please note that this scan may take a very long time.
helpBox9Caption=Scan running
helpBox9Text=At the left top you can see the number of Processes, Files, Spyware Traces and Cookies as well as the number of already detected objects.[eol][eol]You can get more information about a detected Malware by clicking its name in the result list while the scan is running. A browser window will be opened with the online description of that Malware.
helpBox10Caption=Scan finished!
helpBox10Text=If there has been Malware found on your PC, you can get more information online about each detected Malware. Click the name of the detected malware to view the description in a new browser windows.[eol][eol]Click on "View all detected locations" to get a list of all found components that are related with the Malware name.[eol][eol]Select all objects you want to quarantine and finally click the "Quarantine selected objects" button. Objects with high risk are already pre-selected. Tip: You can use a right click at the result list to select all, none or invert the selection quickly.
//Background guard settings
labPreventNewMalware=To prevent a new Malware infection of your computer, it is required you enable the a-squared background guard.
chkActivateParanoidMode=Activate paranoid mode (display even more suspicious activities)
helpBox7Caption=Guard settings
helpBox7Text=Enable the background guard at startup and enable automatic updates to stay protected against Malware.[eol][eol]The OnExecution protection scans each program while it is started with signature and stops it immediately if Malware is found. The Malware-IDS uses behaviour analysis technology to detect harmful actions that are run on your system.[eol][eol]Note: Activating the paranoid mode may slow down your PC.
labCongratulations=Congratulations! All necessary parts of a-squared have been successfully configured now.
labScanMyHarddisks=How can I scan my hard disks for Malware ?
labClickStart=Click "Start", select "Programs"-"a-squared" and run the a-squared StartCenter. Ensure that all available online updates are installed and scan the hard disk for Malware using the Scanner.
labQuestionBackgroundGuard=How do I know that the background guard is enabled ?
labBackgroundGuard=The a-squared background guard is active, if you can see the a-squared icon next to your system clock. Right click on the icon to get a little menu with shortcuts to the most important program parts of a-squared.
btnCloseSetupWizard=Close setup wizard
helpBox8Caption=Setup Completed
helpBox8Text=a-squared is now ready to protect your computer against Trojans, Worms, Diallers and Spyware.[eol][eol]Ensure, that the a-squared background guard is always active. Otherwise no protection against Malware is active.
msgMalwareRegistry=Registry key
msgMalwareRegistrySum=registry keys
msgMalwareExstendedText=View all detected locations...
msgMalwareLowRisk=low risk
msgMalwareMediumRisk=medium risk
msgMalwareHighRisk=high risk
msgItemSelectAll=Select All
msgItemSelectNothing=Select nothing
msgAddWhitelist=Add to white-list
[Select Scan Method]
chkQuickScan=Quick Scan|Scans all active programs, Spyware Traces and TrackingCookies.
chkSmartScan=Smart Scan|Good and fast result, but only important folders will be scanned.
chkDeepScan=Deep Scan|Slowest scan. All files on all hard disks will be scanned deeply.
chkCustomScan=Custom Scan|Manage and edit all scanner settings manually.
labSelectScanMethod=Clean your computer from Trojans, Worms, Diallers and Spyware now! Please select your preferred scan method and click the SCAN button.
lnkFilterList=Manage white-list
[Custom Scan Settings]
labScanObjects=Scan Objects
labScanSettings=Scan Settings
lnkBackToScanSelect=Back to the scan type selection
chkScanArchives=Scan in compressed archives (zip, rar, cab)
chkRiskwareAlerts=Alert Riskware that is often used by Malware
chkScanNTFS=Scan in NTFS Alternate Data Streams
chkScanMem=Scan Memory for active Malware
chkScanTraces=Scan for Spyware Traces
chkScanCookies=Scan for Tracking Cookies
chkHeuristicScan=Heuristic scan for unknown Malware
btnAddFolder=Add folder
btnRemoveFolder=Remove folder
btnLoadSettings=Load settings
btnSaveSettings=Save settings
msgIniFiles=A2S Files
msgSelectSaveIniDestination=Save A2S file as
msgSelectLoadIniDestination=Select A2S file to load
msgUpdateCompleted=Update process was finished successfully.
msgUpdateTerminated=Update process was terminated.
msgNoUpdatesAvailable=No updates available to download
msgRestartRequired=To complete the update process you have to restart your PC.
msgUpdateNotify=a-squared Update Notify
msgRestart=Restart computer
msgTrialEpired=Your trial licence has expired. Do you want to buy a full version licence now ?
msgUserNonExistent=Your login user name is incorrect. Show more information about this problem ?
msgWrongPassword=Your login password is incorrect. Show more information about this problem ?
msgDataError=General processing error. Show more information about this problem ?
msgLicenseExpired=Your full version licence has expired. Do you want to buy a new extension licence now ?
labCaption=a-squared Anti-Malware 2.0
labRequestPassword=Request password
[White List]
labCaption=a-squared Anti-Malware 2.0
labListObjects=List Objects
labSelectItem=Please type or select item to add
msgSelectFolder=Select folder to add in white list
[Connection Settings]
labCaption=Connection Settings
labProxyDescription=Please enter your connection server settings here
labProxyServerName=Proxy server:
labProxyUserName=User name:
chkUseProxy=Use proxy server
chkAuthentication=Authentication required
msgConnectionSettings-0=Your settings is not correct. Please enter right data.
[Convert coupon code]
labCaption=Convert coupon code
labConvertCouponCode=Please enter your coupon code here
[Edit Ruleset]
labCaption=a-squared Guard
btnAddRule=Add new rule
btnEditRule=Edit rule
btnRemoveRule=Remove rule
[Ruleset config]
labCaption=Ruleset config
labApplicationPath=Application Path:
labSecurityMode=Security mode
rbtnTrust=Always allow this application
rbtnDeny=Always deny this application
rbtnMonitor=Monitor this application, and block unwanted activities
chkProtectFromModification=Protect this application from process modification
msgSelectFile=Select file
msgExecutableFile=Executable Files
//ListBox-Security mode
msgID_SERVICE=Allow installing services and drivers
msgID_STARTUP=Allow program adding itself to startup areas
msgID_INJECT=Allow application trying to inject code to other applications
msgID_BACKDOOR=Allow possible backdoor like activity
msgID_SPYWARE=Allow possible spyware like activity
msgID_HIJACKER=Allow possible hijacker like activity
msgID_WORM=Allow possible worm like activity
msgID_DIALER=Allow possible dialler like activity
msgID_KEYLOGGER=Allow possible keylogger like activity
msgID_DOWNLOADER=Allow possible Trojan downloader activity
[Task Settings]
labCaption=Update Settings
labRunAt=Run At
labScheduleTask=Schedule Update
rbtnRunAt=Run At
labIntervalStart=Interval Start
labIntervalEnd=Interval End
labOnEach=on each
labOfTheMonth=of the month
labCaption=a-squared Anti-Malware 2.0 - Scanner
labMalwareScanner=Clean Computer
//Clean computer
msgFileScan=Scanning files...
msgCookiesScan=Scanning cookies...
msgTracesScan=Scanning traces...
msgMemoryScan=Scanning memory...
helpBox6Caption=What will be scanned ?
helpBox6Text=Choose the Quick Scan if you are an advanced user and plan to scan with more specific scan settings later. The quick scan only scans for active Malware processes.[eol][eol]Choose the Smart Scan to get a quick overview if is something wrong with your system. Files, registry and memory will be scanned. If the scan detects Malware, you should run a deep scan later too.[eol][eol]Choose the deep scan to scan every single file on all your hard disks. Please note that this scan may take a very long time.
msgMalwareRegistry=Registry key
msgMalwareRegistrySum=registry keys
msgMalwareLowRisk=low risk
msgMalwareMediumRisk=medium risk
msgMalwareHighRisk=high risk
msgMalwareExstendedText=View all detected locations...
msgItemSelectAll=Select All
msgItemSelectNothing=Select nothing
msgAddWhitelist=Add to white-list
msgTextFiles=Text Files
msgIniFiles=A2S Files
msgSelectSaveReportDestination=Save report file as
msgSelectSaveIniDestination=Save A2S file as
msgSelectLoadIniDestination=Select A2S file to load
helpBox1Caption=What will be scanned ?
helpBox1Text=Choose the Quick Scan if you are an advanced user and plan to scan with more specific scan settings later. The quick scan only scans for active Malware processes.[eol][eol]Choose the Smart Scan to get a quick overview if is something wrong with your system. Files, registry and memory will be scanned. If the scan detects Malware, you should run a deep scan later too.[eol][eol]Choose the deep scan to scan every single file on all your hard disks. Please note that this scan may take a very long time.
msgInfectedFilesDetected=Suspect files have been detected during the scan.
msgNoInfectedFiles=No suspect files have been detected during the scan.
msgFileScan=Scanning files...
msgCookiesScan=Scanning cookies...
msgTracesScan=Scanning traces...
msgMemoryScan=Scanning memory...
msgScanFinished=Scan finished!
msgScanningFiles=Scanning Files
msgScanningTraces=Scanning Traces
msgScanningCookies=Scanning Cookies
msgScanningProcesses=Scanning Processes
helpBox2Caption=Scan running
helpBox2Text=At the left top you can see the number of Processes, Files, Spyware Traces and Cookies as well as the number of already detected objects.[eol][eol]You can get more information about a detected Malware by clicking its name in the result list while the scan is running. A browser window will be opened with the online description of that Malware.
helpBox3Caption=Scan finished!
helpBox3Text=If there has been Malware found on your PC, you can get more information online about each detected Malware. Click the name of the detected malware to view the description in a new browser windows.[eol][eol]Click on "View all detected locations" to get a list of all found components that are related with the Malware name.[eol][eol]Select all objects you want to quarantine and finally click the "Quarantine selected objects" button. Objects with high risk are already pre-selected. Tip: You can use a right click at the result list to select all, none or invert the selection quickly.
[Security Center]
labCaption=a-squared Anti-Malware 2.0 - Security Centre
msgStatusUpdate1--1=Internet connection troubles. Please check your connection and try again.
msgStatusUpdate1-1=Password correct!
msgStatusUpdate1-4=User or code missing
msgStatusUpdate1-5=User (email address) not valid
msgStatusUpdate1-7=User (email) non existent
msgStatusUpdate1-8=Wrong password
msgStatusUpdate1-9=Database troubles
msgStatusUpdate1-12=General processing error
msgErrorUpdate1btnLogin=Please enter your name and email to proceed
msgExpiredLicense=This licence has already expired. Do you want to buy a full version licence now ?
msgNullList=You do not have any licence. Do you want to buy a full version licence now ?
msgNotSelectLicense=Please select active licence.
msgConnectionSettings-0=Your settings are not correct. Please enter the correct data.
msgSecurityStatus=Security Status
msgDonwloadingProgress=%d KB (%d%%) of %d KB downloaded...
msgLicenseExpires=Licence Expires:
msgTrialExpires=Trial Expires:
msgUpdateCompleted=Update process was finished successfully.
msgUpdateTerminated=Update process was terminated.
msgNoUpdatesAvailable=No updates available to download
msgCloseScanner=Please close the Scanner before running the update
msgID_SCANbtnAllowOnce=Allow execution
msgID_SCANbtnTerminate=Deny execution
msgID_SCANbtnDeleteFile=Delete file
msgID_SCANMemo=The program described above was trying to be executed. The scan result was that this file is infected by Malware. You are urgently advised to deny this program!
msgID_CHECKSUMDiagnosis=The program has been changed.
msgID_CHECKSUMMemo=a-squared detected that this program has been changed (new checksum). Do you want to use the existing IDS rule-set for the changed file, or do you want to remove the existing rule-set ?
msgID_CHECKSUMbtnAllowOnce=Use Old Rule-Set
msgID_CHECKSUMbtnTerminate=Delete Rule-Set
msgID_WORMDiagnosis=Found a possible mass mailing worm or password stealer
msgID_WORMMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program tries to invisibly send mails which is quite common for all mass mailing worms and password stealers. It's highly recommended you terminate the program and send it in for further analysis.
msgID_DIALERDiagnosis=Found a possible dialler
msgID_DIALERMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program is trying to establish a dial up connection. If this is not your Internet connection, fax or terminal software you should terminate the program and send the file in for analysis.
msgID_BACKDOORDiagnosis=Found possible backdoor behaviour
msgID_BACKDOORMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. Normally this behaviour is common for backdoors only. In rare cases this can be a false detection of legit server software. It's recommended you terminate the program and submit it for further analysis.
msgID_KEYLOGGERDiagnosis=Found a possible browser Keylogger
msgID_KEYLOGGERMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program tries to change your browsers configuration. If this is not your browser itself it's highly recommended you terminate the program and send it in for further analysis.
msgID_HIJACKERDiagnosis=Found a possible browser hijacker
msgID_HIJACKERMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program tries to change your browsers configuration. If this is not your browser itself it's highly recommended you terminate the program and send it in for further analysis.
msgID_INJECTDiagnosis=Found a possible process patcher or code injector
msgID_INJECTMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. Patching processes or injecting code is a technique many backdoors and rootkits use to hide from anti-malware software but is sometimes used by anti-malware software itself. If you don't know that program, it's recommended you terminate it and send it in for further analysis.
msgID_DOWNLOADERDiagnosis=Found a possible trojan or spyware downloader
msgID_DOWNLOADERMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program tries to invisibly download and install files from the Internet. If you don't know that program, it's highly recommended you terminate the program and send it in for further analysis.
msgID_SPYWAREDiagnosis=Found a possible backdoor or spyware
msgmsgID_SPYWAREMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program tries to invisibly send data to the Internet. If you are sure you want that program to continue its invisible data transfers, allow it. If you are unsure or you don't know that program, terminate it and send it in for further analysis.
msgID_STARTUPDiagnosis=Found a possible browser Startup
msgID_STARTUPMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program tries to change your browsers configuration. If this is not your browser itself, it's highly recommended you terminate the program and send it in for further analysis.
msgID_SERVICEDiagnosis=Program tries to install a service or device driver
msgID_SERVICEMemo=Installing a driver or a system service in general is nothing suspicious but it can impact your systems security cause it allows rootkits to become active. If you know or install the application above, it's recommended you allow the program. If you are unsure, terminate it and send it in for analysis.
msgID_PARANOIDDiagnosis=Found a possible browser hijacker
msgID_PARANOIDMemo=While executing the program a-squared detected a possible malicious behaviour. The program tries to change your browsers configuration. If this is not your browser itself, it's highly recommended you terminate the program and send it in for further analysis.
msgMenuItem1=Security Centre
msgMenuItem2=Application Rules
msgMenuItem3=Guard Settings
msgMenuItem4=Scan PC
msgMenuItem6=Update now
msgMenuItem7=Exit Guard
msgUpdateConfused=An error occurred during the update process.
msgUpdateCompleted=The update process was finished successfully.
msgNews=a-squared news
msgRestartRequired=To complete the update process you have to restart your PC.
msgRestart=Restart computer
gridSelectLicenseType0=30 day trial
gridSelectLicenseType1=Full version licence
msgSignaturesUpdated=Updates were downloaded and installed successfully. Using %d signatures for real-time protection now.
msgUpdateNotify=a-squared update
msgTrialEpired=Your trial licence has expired. Do you want to buy a full version licence now ?
msgUserNonExistent=Your login user name is incorrect. Show more information about this problem ?
msgWrongPassword=Your login password is incorrect. Show more information about this problem ?
msgDataError=General processing error. Show more information about this problem ?
msgLicenseExpired=Your full version licence has expired. Do you want to buy a new extension licence now ?
msgGuardExit=Do you really want to exit the a-squared Anti-Malware Guard ? If you choose to exit, this PC will no longer be protected against Malware.
labCaption=a-squared Anti-Malware 2.0 - Alert
labMean=What does this mean ?
labFileName=File name:
labWhatWant=What do you want to do ?
rbtnAlwaysAllow=Always allow this program
rbtnAllowBehavior=Allow this behaviour only
rbtnAlwaysDeny=Always deny this program
rbtnQuarantine=Quarantine Program
msgUpdateRule=Update existing rule
msgRemoveRule=Remove rule
[Context Menu]
msgMenu=Scan with a-squared
msgHelp=Scans all marked folders.
[Trial Dialog]
labCaption=a-squared Anti-Malware
labTrial=a-squared Anti-Malware 30-day trial
labThanks=Thank you for choosing a-squared Anti-Malware to protect you PC!
labPeriod=Your trial period ends in:
labFullVersion=To be able to use the unique and strong Malware-IDS technology after the trial period, you have to purchase a full version licence.
lnkLearn=Learn more about a-squared Anti-Malware
btnEnterLicense=Enter licence
btnOrderNow=Order now
labHeaderSelectLicense=Here you can see all licenses that are attached with your a-squared account. Select the licence you want to use on this computer.
labSelectLicense=Select licence:
labHeaderConvertCouponCode=If you have a coupon code for a full version licence, you can convert the coupon code here:
lnkConvertCouponCode=Convert coupon code
labAccountLogin=Account login
labUserEmailAddress=This is always your a-squared account email address.